Emergence - A Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition


Li Hongbo

Li is a professor at Jilin Normal University, a member of the Experimental Art Committee of China Artists' Association, and the Director of the China Paper Art Research Institute. His work is included in public collections that include the National Museum of China, the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore, the White Rabbit Gallery in Sydney, and the United Bank of Switzerland.

His solo exhibitions include “I & Thou”, Contemporary by Angela Li, Hong Kong, China (2018); “The Plaster We Painted”, Art Museum of Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China (2017); “Ocean of Flowers”, 81 Art Museum, Beijing, China (2017); “Standard”, Angoulême Paper Museum, Angoulême, France (2017); “Textbooks”, Klein Sun Gallery, New York, USA (2017); “Irons for the Ages, Flowers for the Day”, The Savannah College of Art & Design Museum of Art, Savannah, USA (2015); "Li Hongbo - Out of Paper," Kunstverein Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany (2013); “The World - Li Hongbo New Works Exhibition”, Found Museum, Beijing, China; Modern Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan (2011).

His published scholarship includes “Chinese Buddhist Prints Collection”, China Bookstore Publishing House; “Chinese Taoism Prints Collection (2016)”, China Bookstore Publishing House “Ancient Chinese Books Decoration”.

The origin of my work is a toy I often played with - a “Paper Gourd” - a single stack of thin paper that can be change into a variety of different forms. I saw that this type of visual impact could potentially express a multitude of different languages, through paper; from the concrete to the abstract, the tangible to the invisible, and from restraint to freeform, or vice-versa. In this manner the continuity of paper becomes an important element for the expression of language. Its contractions and undulations and ups and downs present us with a set of unpredictable images.