Emergence - A Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition


Jia Xinyu

Jia has an MFA from Oil Painting Department at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and currently works in Beijing. Besides oil painting, she also works with mixed media and installation.

Her solo exhibitions include “Something useless”, YACHAO Gallery , Shanghai (2018); “Entangled Photons”, ArtDepot, Beijing (2016). Her work has been included in many group exhibitions including “Art Shenzhen”, Shenzhen Convention Center (2017); ”Background Colour”, UCCA, Beijing (2017); The Second “Wall Power - Wall-poster Artist Exhibition”, Today Art Museum, Beijing (2017); “Young Artist Residency Project”, Commune by the Great Wall, Beijing (2016); Group Exhibition of Avant - garde Female Artists, The Know, Shanghai (2014).

Most of my works originate from poems, paintings, and mythology, but an invisible ideology threads them all together. All seems to happen in poetry’s antithesis, and parallels with formality, superimposition, circulation, fuzziness, ambiguity, and equivocality exist in every material. The story has no antecedent and no consequence, no beginning and no ending. It’s like the distance between your eyes and mine, a vague betweenness. I try to maintain this betweenness. It seems that I am extracting fragments from the drawers in my mind, and who can say that those fragments have no antecedent and consequence in time. All the fragments are placed together to form a mime with no hero, and where I am a bystander or a hero, spying and being spied on.

As Borges said “Time is a forking path leading to numerous futures.” The evidence of the absurd and ritualistic story that I construct is only one point in the thread that forks further into different directions and ends.